From Blunt Equity by Tavian Crosland, The Nation, 04/04/11/2022
This blog is for "slow news." Slow news focuses on the "back story," why things are the way they are. Slow news provides context and connects the dots so that readers can develop a more coherent understanding of the world they are living in and themselves. MSN's motto is "Read the news behind the news."
No, it had tragic consequences in the U.S. which created even worse problems and worse consequences that the original impact of drug abuse it was designed to curtail and mitigate. It is another example of how the solution became a problem worse than the original problem
Substance misuse can be focused on as a supply problem or a demand problem. Unfortunately, conservative thinking dealt with it as a supply problem even though it was well known that prohibition didn't work to control the negative consequences of alcohol misuse.
Liberal thinking dealt with substance misuse as a demand problem. Prevention and treatment programs were proposed and implemented in a limited manner due to a lack of resources.
Public thinking is slowly shifting over 60 years and substance misuse is increasingly seen as a public health problem. Advocacy for funding of public health, treatment, and community prevention programs is necessary if we are to improve the overall health of our society.
For more see "How The Drug War Died" by Maia Szalavitz, The Nation, 04/04/11/2022.
From America Magazine, March, 2022, Political Leaders: Heed Ignatius by Linda LeMura
Editor's Note: Claudia Tenney is a Republican member of the U. S, House of Representatives elected by voters to represent them in Central New York State just east of Syracuse from Oswego to the north to Binghamton on the south.
Representative Tenney's tweet is an argumentum ad hominem and a symptom of representational incompetence.
The good people of central New York deserve better representation and should reconsider their electoral options for representatives who have more constructive values and ways of thinking and communicating.